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In the summer of 2020, Astra Virtual Tutoring launched with our debut program, a free 4-week virtual summer camp. This program was created to provide young students with a safe and educational summer activity in the face of the COVID-19 lockdown. Over the course of twelve 45-minute long classes, we taught fifteen students three different subjects. Our first subject was math in which we offered a fraction bootcamp that covered everything from the simplification of fractions to adding and subtracting fractions. Our next subject was science. In this class we taught students about viruses, the solar system, and the ecosystem. Each of our science classes was paired with hands-on activities. Our final class was Arts, Crafts, and Trivia. We covered different topics such as origami and pointillism which allowed students to have an exciting project to look forward to each week.

2020 Recap: About
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